To get started developing with this LaunchPad:
Step 1: Buy the CC3220SF LaunchPad
Step 2: Download the CC3220 SDK
Step 3: Take the CC32xx SimpleLink Academy trainings
The SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC3220SF LaunchPad™ development kit (CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL) highlights CC3220SF, a single-chip wireless microcontroller (MCU) with 1MB Flash, 256KB of RAM and enhanced security features. The CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL features on-board emulation and sensors for a full out-of-the-box experience. This board can be directly connected to a PC for use with development tools such as the Code Composer Studio™ Cloud integrated development environment (IDE). Visit and get started with your SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3220SF LaunchPad kit today.
The CC3220SF device brings IoT networking security to a new level, empowering developers to easily connect any application to the cloud, with multiple communication protocols.
• Supports various IDE: CCS, IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM Cortex-M4
• Standalone development platform featuring sensors, LEDs and push-buttons
• On-board chip antenna with option for U.FL-based testing
• 2x20-pin stackable connectors (BoosterPack headers) to connect to TI LaunchPads and other BoosterPacks
• Back-channel universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) through USB to PC
• XDS110-based JTAG emulation with serial port for flash programming
Điện tử ProE cung cấp linh kiện điện tử, thiết bị điện tử , linh kiện IoT chính hãng. ProE cung cấp dịch vụ đặt hàng linh kiện điện tử, thiết bị điện tử chính hãng theo yêu cầu cụ thể của khách hàng. Liên hệ :, SĐT: 0938946849
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